On Saturday 24th February, 2024, a new Committee for Doncaster Rover Soccer Club was officially sworn into office. The 2024 Committee is as follows:

President: Jim Aspropotimitis

Vice President: Martine Sproule-Carroll

Treasurer: Silvio Santostefano

Secretary: John Stavretis

General Committee:

Andrea Furlan

Jessica Tedesco

Ruud Van Henten

Peter Kyriakou

Nikki Aspropotimitis

Outgoing president Nick Trimmatis “handed over the keys” to new president Jim Aspropotimitis and provided some words of advice particularly when it comes to those that do not understand the amount of effort required behind the scenes to run a club. “Don’t get frustrated, just do your job, knowing in yourself you are working for the betterment of the Club”.

John Stavretis acknowledged Nick’s 8 years in the President role by saying that it’s obvious to all who know him that his heart and soul belong to this Club. We have no doubt that we will see Nick around the grounds and say thank you to him for his dedication and efforts.

Of course, Committee members old and new were back at Andersons Park the very next day for the very successful Family Day, showcasing the real community spirit that this Club is proud of.  Pictured are our Committee with representatives from Manningham City Council and Football Victoria.

If you’d like to speak to any member of the committee, please click here to view contact details.